An insight into the mind of one of the most fucked up people you have the chance to know. And a place for you to hear me rant or tell you cool things (you know you want to!)

Friday, July 30, 2004

SPAMfighter Signature!

The Signature finally works... 80%, and using a little hack, but it does work. I've emailed one of the developers at Microsoft and I'm waiting for a hopeful answer on how to avoid this hack, but I'm not putting too much hope into it.

Still no new work on ReactOS unfortunately, I'll have some major catching up to do this weekend. I'll have to finish the Se Stubs too.

I'm in communication with Microsoft over some showstopper bugs in the SP2 Checked Build... we'll be working together to have them fixed and hopefully avoid them in a Retail Build. I always thought how come everyone hates Microsoft and I don't...well... I kind of realized:

1) Most people who hate Microsoft are developpers. Microsoft doesn't give you very good support unless you don't pay up or have contacts. And their software is expensive.

Me: I have one on one support from Microsoft, either trough contacts or beta testing, sometimes I'm even on the phone directly with a dev.

2) Most users hate Microsoft because of pricing.

Me: I get it for free after working as a Beta Tester.

3) Complaints that you can't have any word to say about features/changes.

Me: As a beta tester, I can have that power.

4) Microsoft is closed source.

Me: I can have legal access to the source through school, but I haven't done so because of my work on ReactOS.

5) Microsoft is evil.

Me: Microsoft gives me free products, invites me to parties and clubs, and listens to my comments and gives me quality rapid feedback.

However, if I try to picture myself without these advantages, then yea, Microsoft isn't too nice. Then again, Linux won't install on my RAID Array. (There always seems to be a reason why Linux won't install on my Main PC...)

Can't wait to see Bourne again tomorrow.
Kerry's speech was really good! Go stem cell research!!! Down to outsourcing!!! And screw the Saudi Royal Family!

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 80% Happy, 20% Tired
Listening to: Mes aieux - Chanson a boire.
Liked: Signature working.
Disliked: Signature still being screwed up.
Today's message: "I don't want a country depending on the Saudi Royal Family" - John F. Kerry

Thursday, July 29, 2004


Finally, I get some time to relax.

I've done all the major changes to SPAMfighter and it's ready for getting the Signature adding tomorrow. Can't wait for it to work fine...I've worked so much on this and it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I wanted to see Bourne again today but Caro had work at 5...bummer...but I ate some really good crepes at Tutti Fruitti on St-Cath/Atwater...check it out!

By the end of the week, SF should be completed and all the ROS stubs too... I can't wait for that. I'll take a nice little break (probably one day lol)

I'm starting to miss Star Trek...the new season won't start till October...maybe I should watch the reruns if I'm bored :P

Oh well... Friday I should hopefully see Bourne, then Manchurian Candidate with Timo and then we'll finish up his computer, all the parts should have arrived.
I really want a 22.3 inch LCD screen...would help my eyes so much!

Oh yes...I don't know who posted on my Blog (or how they got this address) but I've now made commenting for invited members only.

Let me reply for fun:
> I (and all of us) will like to get closer and see your vision, to understand your leadership, but I am afraid of you right now, after the treat with electrocution.

==> I have no idea who I or 'us' is, but that sounds pretty kinky to me. I don't like to have strangers 'close' to me. I also don't know what vision this person is talking about. But I'm happy they are afraid of me. And I didn't mention electrocution...i think the term i used was "go fuck yourselves". However, I suppose some people think that sex == electruction. LOL.

>Anyway, I believe that in the writings (and speeches as well) of a talented and >progressive guy like you

==> First mistake: these aren't writings or speeches.

> words like f*.. and trivial language, are diminishing the personality and >confusing.

==> Well if I'm progressive, then you must understand that FUCK is a common word now. And as for diminishing my personality...whoever uses a blog to judge someone's personality suffers from extreme mental disabilities.

> And a true character and a leader should have clarity and understanding, and not >confusion and hard.

==> Agreed! Let me quote Vice President Dick Cheney on June 25th 2004, while addressing a Senator: GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Anyways...sorry for the swearing guys & girls, but weird people posting on my blog freak me out. If you wanna comment, I'll add you...just ask me on MSN.

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 60% Happy, 40% Sad
Listening to: The sound of my keyboard.
Liked: Seeing Caro
Disliked: Multi-threading SF screwing up.
Today's message: "Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction, Joblessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Homeless is a weapon of mass destruction. Racism is a weapon of mass destruction. Fear is a weapon of mass destruction. We must disarm these weapons."

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

3AM Insane Coding

Well yesteray there was a little screwup. No futureshop and forgot to I'm posting today instead. Well it's 3AM now so I'm counting "Today" was what actually happened yesterday, yesterday what happened two days ago. It's so confusing posting at this hour.

Well I got the DVD player today. It was only 100$, Samsung, and plays
and the list goes on. it loads the whole thing in a couple of milliseconds. it was a great purchase and it's even progressive scan, YPrCb output, DTS 5.1... and slim and nice looking...defintealy a nice deal to replace the aging/broken Sony (which had cost 600$!)

I got VB to compile ASM code fine and now it likes it... parts of SPAMfighter have been greatly optimized and not it will be possible to add the final feature ( the registration signature). I only have around 4 more functions to reimplement in ASM, and then everything is ready for the signature code. The DLL will probably go down to 10KB before that's added.

Caroline still has to do the RTL Stubs (prototypes done) for ReactOS... didn't do much work in ROS lately because of SF...but that's allright. Arty needs to rewrite TCPIP anyways...and I will probably do Se stubs/prototypes this weekend.

I heard the whole boston area is reading my blog. Well, here's a little something for you guys (You're not supposed to be reading this, so it's like me installing a device to electrocute you if you go into my room...not my fault you broke into it..its my residence): FUCK YOU YOU STUPID SMELLY CUNTS. I hope you've enjoyed that.

They are making a book on TDV Code in 2005, and also one on that CIA Book written by that agent...looking forward to those.

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 60% Happy, 40% Sad
Listening to: Moby - Extreme Ways
Liked: VB + ASM
Disliked: I really miss Caro
Today's message: "Try to rest Pam, you look tired" - Jason Bourne

Sunday, July 25, 2004


Well, after frankly being sick with all the shit the SP2 Checked build was giving me, I went to the non-debug build, and everything seems to be working perfectly! W00T!

Tonight I'm going to finish the SpamFighter signature and then keep working on my VBASM addin...I've completed part 1, now time to work on part 2.

I'm running to Futureshop now to buy a DVD player, a cheap one, for my mom.

I'll post a final blog for the day tonight, so no status for now :P

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Pentium 4...yum!

Today I had to go all the way to 12500 Sherbrooke Est to get Timo's LGA775 Pentium 4 520.... it looks cool...a mess to install though I believe...we'll see once he gets the motherboard. I think I'll go with his dad and him to get more components tomorrow, and the mobo should be here Monday.

I'm doing some crazy work for Spamfighter tonight...going to implement ASM into my DLL Compiler so I Can code some stuff in ASM in I wish I could rewrite the whole thing in C but I don't know how my boss would like that. Oh well...its fun...and I can get my mind of ROS a bit. I hope Caro will do those Rtl stubs over the weekend...meanwhile I'll work on Spamfighter to finish the signature (now I can't even get it to load properly on my checked build...trying to figure out why! (something about class not found...even if I registered it).

Meh...looks like a nuit blanche :P

I really wonder who reads my blog...its Wo ai ni :P (we all know who that is for :P)

Julia stiles's hair rules:

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 100% Happy
Listening to: Canon in D, Korean Movie Version (George Winston)
Liked: Everything
Disliked: Nothing
Today's message: A cynic is one who sees the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Royal suckyness

Let's define "Suck":

1) You spend 3 days getting a Checked Build to run, and then find out it's not a supported beta scenario

2) Your best friend's ordered motherboard can't be shipped for a month, so you have 30 minutes to find a replacement, luckly, you do, but you're exausted.

3) You get your Gunbound Avatar login back, only to make a mistake and lose 10$.

4) The movie you've been waiting on for two years finally hits cinema, and you promised to see it with two people with different schedules. You make your best friend skip work and lose 80$ to fit that schedule, only to find out it was totally useless since your girlfriend has to work that day.

5) It's 40 degrees outside

6) You get yelled at for all previous points saying it was all your fault anyways. You shouldn't have installed a checked build, you should've ordered the motherboard properly, you should have clicked on the right button, you should've made sure your girlfriend doesn't work and the heat is caused by your computers.

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 90% depressed, 10% tired
Listening to: Hillary Duff - Let the Rain Fall
Today's message: No matter what happens, it's always the smart guy's fault.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Well...what a great day.
Both my PCs fucked up last night....I tried to reinstall them...but everything failed...then I finally reinstalled, but I started getting crashes on my main PC, and freezings...I had no idea what was wrong...and I kept kaputt... I think I pissed off Caro too...sigh.

Anyways, everything is back to normal now...just need to re-install Office and VB...all the other programs are back...and the server PC is fixed too...just needed a 1-hour long chkdsk /p /f /r.

Bindimage was ported to Linux so now we can run it right after compilation on Linux/Win32.

I got the new C 8.0 (2005)...looks pretty cool...and gave Caro a lesson on variables :D
Gonna tell her to install it too tonight.

Oh and...system restore rulz :P

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 70% Happy, 10% Tired, 20% Sad
Listening to: ------
Liked: Seeing Caro...
Disliked: Reinstalling 2 computers, acting like a bitch.
Today's message: Fuck computers.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Sup ppl...

I finally got to see Daniel today and we did some work on SPAMfighter...fixed like 5 bugs and it shouldn't be crashing anymore...if no other bugs are found then I will implement the signature =)

I did some preliminary work on Rtl Stubs today...just to find which are easy findable... I'm missing information on the IP and TRACE DATABASE ones...the IP should be easy to gues..the tracer ones I don't know. I'll ask Caro to do the others if she has time/wants to. I should start giving her c lessons...that would help.

BindImage had like 10000 bugs but I fixed them all.... nevertheless, during the buggy period, it manage to fuck up most of my DLL files.... I don't actually know if that "Bug" is still there...because my system is hosed. I'll have to install the new build of SP2 anyways. I tried it in ReactOS though and it bound all the files just fine...go figure. So it's SP2 reinstallation time tomorrow.

I'm trying to find an app/code that would realign executables...I know walign used to do that (from Microsoft back in the Office 97 days....)...that would bypass the LD bug (those bastards aren't even replying me).

Caro got a blog's pretty cool. Sigh...I miss her...can't wait to see Bourne Supremacy this Friday. I also went with Timo to get computer parts...we got the case and ordered everything should be ready within the week. All for 2043$ =) (Tax included).

That's it that's all!

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 70% Happy, 10% Tired, 20% Sad
Listening to: Baby VOX - Why
Liked: Seeing BindImage work in ROS and SF bugs fixed
Disliked: Fucking up my computer.
Today's message: If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now, quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers...

=== SIGNOFF ===

Monday, July 19, 2004



I'm not in a good mom called me while I was talking to Caro and she left before I could say anything...and I didn't have time to say bbye...ang...I feel bad abt this... I don't like it...

I've finished writing BindImageEx and friends, and it all works well under ReactOS. Also got optimization flags to be used. If only ld gets fixed to support low-alignment and I'll be a happy camper. I've also submitted Ps stubs done by Caro...only Rtl and Se remain.

I practiced some more cases with my mom's so fun to act like a sick person and to know what you have to do and everything...just that sometimes she forgets to ask some things she should :P

I've gotta call a bunch of computer stores tomorrow for Timo's's seriously going to kick ass...I hope they have the parts though...on one end, they are new so rare, but also expensive and not many people will want them. In any case, his computer will rule. I can't wait to install it. He's alone all week so maybe I'll crash at his house sometime.

Caro has work tomorrow till the afternoon so I'll be alone...sigh. I got asked a weird question today...would I rather have sex till I die or eat chocolate...that's kinda easy to answer.

Tomorrow I'll be working exclusively on SPAMfighter and probably for the next days too. I've done my current share of work in ROS and I'm pleased. I'll make a nice frontend for bind to run during first install, but that's about it. The week after I'll add Rtl Stubs and start working on Winsock NSP (Namespace Providers).

I take math classes from MIT now. It's pretty cool. Time for my class now, then I go to bed (it's 2:30AM...).

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 20% Happy, 40% Tired, 40% Sad
Listening to: Didn't listen to a single song today.
Liked: Getting ReactOS Optimizations working and BindImageEx under it.
Disliked: Caro leaving before I could say byebye...
Today's message: Fuck

=== SIGNOFF ===

Sunday, July 18, 2004

So Hot

It's so hot today...I hate it!

I woke up at 10 today and started working on BindImageEx. It's now 1AM and I'm still working on it. Long live ReactOS!

I still haven't seen Daniel for working on SPAMfighter :(

The stupid Gunbound freaks won't let me log into my avatar page anymore...I wanted to buy some new things with my new 350 000 gold :P

The China fireworks were amazing.... I could hear them from my house...boom booom for 30 minutes...I Bet it was something grandiose and big... duh...they invented fireworks :P

I also had fun playing a sick patient so my mom could practice for her exam. Oh well.

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 60% Happy, 40% Tired
Listening to: Didn't listen to a single song today.
Liked: BindImageEx
Disliked: Gunbound Avatars not working
Today's message: Don't say "virus" in #ros-dev

=== SIGNOFF ===

Friday, July 16, 2004


I've had such a hectic week I feel like I'm going to die.
2500 lines of C in a week...whoa. Now I'm trying to get the System Calls to work...they are giving me such a pain because of the way they are shared in u-mode, k-mode and in different libraries.
I saw I Robot wasn't that bad...the ending didn't suck like it could've, it actually came back to the original Asimov idea of robots. But it could've been better in many more ways. Nevertheless, it was worth seeing. Anchorman I'll download.
Hmm I decided what to buy from Bleu'll cost 250$ lol...but I'll make my dad pay since he says I dress like a dumb (Riiiiiiiiiiiiight).
Tomorrow I hope to have completed the Syscall Stubs as well as Ps*, and I'm waiting on Daniel from SPAMfighter to come online so I can send him the new version...I couldn't today. I should concentrate more on SF next week, I've been busy with ReactOS. I've almost got the signature and crashes fixed...only some little issues remaning.

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 80% Happy, 20% Tired
Listening to: Lasgo - Cry
Liked: Seeing Caro, shopping & movie
Disliked: Wasting time on Nt/Zw stubs
Today's message: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

=== SIGNOFF ===

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Don't glance at the surface to judge its depth...

...jump in the water and check if you drown.

AFD/Winsock (networking in ReactOS) is THIS >-< close to being a sucess. I've got everything working right now in Windows except WSPConnect which is giving me trouble...probably errors with binding.

Today I went at the Mission to fix somet things and install Ofice...saw a weird fight..but that place is always weird. Then I saw Bob and Christine at McGill, ate at Edo, then went shopping. I saw some really nice stuff at Monde des Athletes (50% off the second sale) and at Bleu Marine...the shirt I liked at BM was 180$+ Tax though....for a fucking chemise!!! But they had nicer stuff at ~80$....but MDA is 50% so I'l probably buy from there (BM is only 30% off). Then I came home and I still haven't seen fucking Mario to sell the ipaq.

Podaru wants to come over tomorrow again but I'd much rather go see a movie with Caroline if her mom lets her out... I Robot :P

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 90% Happy, 10% Tired
Listening to: Too busy working on ROS
Liked: Almost completing MSAFD.
Disliked: Didn't talk much to Caro today.

Today's message: Don't read a blog to judge its writer.

=== SIGNOFF ===

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Stupid AFD.

I *finally* fixed AFD in ReactOS to make it work with UDP Sockets. God it was such a PAIN in the *ASS*.

Nice day today...did some work on SPAMfighter...and lots on ReactOS. Forgot to go to the Mission so I'm gonna go tomorrow....ah now I have a reason to see Mario in the afternoon to sell him my With the money from my dad that should make 500$. Hopefully I can get ~300$US from Spamfighter as well. And with my monthly money for August I should have ~ 1000$ US gains for this summer...oh... I'm also gonna get my glasses money back (insurance) so that'll go up to 1300$ US. Should pay back the LCD screen and iPOD, as well as the reacing wheel. The other stuff is mostly covered by my mom's 200$/month allowance. So I shouldn't be in the negative.

I, Robot starts Friday....yes yes it's a big shame to the whole Asimov culture but I bet it'll still be a good movie. And sadly people are judging it without having seen it. I've heard the ending is very Asimov-ish and actually respects the 3 laws of robotics.

Premiere moisson perrier is a rip-off. 3$ for 300mL...

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 80% Happy, 20% Tired
Listening to: Liz Phair - Why Can't I
Liked: Seeing Caro, work on ReactOS
Disliked: Spending 5 hours to fix a ReactOS Bug.

Today's message: Do not buy Perrier from Premiere Moisson.

=== SIGNOFF ===


Well, much to the dismay of Timo I now have a blog.
This isn't my first blog though, I used to have one on Xanga...but that was when I was young and stupid.

If any of you are looking for personal sad stories, sorry, look somewhere else. This is just my place to write my random thoughts and notes...and will probably bore you with computer stuff.

Ah...the computer...what a wonderful device. I'm building one for Timo soon... I'm trying to get good prices on the parts (Mr. is getting impatient).

I had a nice week until now (well...except one thing...) and I went shopping and seeing Caro. Argh...damn it, I left my bike at Peel...I have to get it tomorrow.

I'm almost done with Winsock on ReactOS... I think we should have MIRC running quite soon. I'm rebuilding today's CVS Build....if you don't know what ReactOS is, get it at

What article got posted on's a kernel hacking magazine. I'm planning on posting something more interesting soon (user-mode syscall hooks).

I guess that's it for tonight.... iPOD...check...GMAIL...check...GoogleBlog...check. I am an official wired geek.

Oh, speaking of Wired....this month's issue is great. They diss Darl McBride of SCO and have the ugliest mug shot of him it ;)

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 60% Happy, 10% Tired, 30% Depresssed
Listening to: Kiss - Because I'm a Girl
Liked: Seeing Caro, work on ReactOS
Disliked: Leftover food, forgetting bike at Peel.

Today's message: I've learnt that "you can't have your cake and eat it too" and "every rose has its thorn". You can't have everything in life, and everything nice has a price.

=== SIGNOFF ===