An insight into the mind of one of the most fucked up people you have the chance to know. And a place for you to hear me rant or tell you cool things (you know you want to!)

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Don't glance at the surface to judge its depth...

...jump in the water and check if you drown.

AFD/Winsock (networking in ReactOS) is THIS >-< close to being a sucess. I've got everything working right now in Windows except WSPConnect which is giving me trouble...probably errors with binding.

Today I went at the Mission to fix somet things and install Ofice...saw a weird fight..but that place is always weird. Then I saw Bob and Christine at McGill, ate at Edo, then went shopping. I saw some really nice stuff at Monde des Athletes (50% off the second sale) and at Bleu Marine...the shirt I liked at BM was 180$+ Tax though....for a fucking chemise!!! But they had nicer stuff at ~80$....but MDA is 50% so I'l probably buy from there (BM is only 30% off). Then I came home and I still haven't seen fucking Mario to sell the ipaq.

Podaru wants to come over tomorrow again but I'd much rather go see a movie with Caroline if her mom lets her out... I Robot :P

|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 90% Happy, 10% Tired
Listening to: Too busy working on ROS
Liked: Almost completing MSAFD.
Disliked: Didn't talk much to Caro today.

Today's message: Don't read a blog to judge its writer.

=== SIGNOFF ===


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