SPAMfighter Signature!
The Signature finally works... 80%, and using a little hack, but it does work. I've emailed one of the developers at Microsoft and I'm waiting for a hopeful answer on how to avoid this hack, but I'm not putting too much hope into it.
Still no new work on ReactOS unfortunately, I'll have some major catching up to do this weekend. I'll have to finish the Se Stubs too.
I'm in communication with Microsoft over some showstopper bugs in the SP2 Checked Build... we'll be working together to have them fixed and hopefully avoid them in a Retail Build. I always thought how come everyone hates Microsoft and I don't...well... I kind of realized:
1) Most people who hate Microsoft are developpers. Microsoft doesn't give you very good support unless you don't pay up or have contacts. And their software is expensive.
Me: I have one on one support from Microsoft, either trough contacts or beta testing, sometimes I'm even on the phone directly with a dev.
2) Most users hate Microsoft because of pricing.
Me: I get it for free after working as a Beta Tester.
3) Complaints that you can't have any word to say about features/changes.
Me: As a beta tester, I can have that power.
4) Microsoft is closed source.
Me: I can have legal access to the source through school, but I haven't done so because of my work on ReactOS.
5) Microsoft is evil.
Me: Microsoft gives me free products, invites me to parties and clubs, and listens to my comments and gives me quality rapid feedback.
However, if I try to picture myself without these advantages, then yea, Microsoft isn't too nice. Then again, Linux won't install on my RAID Array. (There always seems to be a reason why Linux won't install on my Main PC...)
Can't wait to see Bourne again tomorrow.
Kerry's speech was really good! Go stem cell research!!! Down to outsourcing!!! And screw the Saudi Royal Family!
|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.2 =- |
Mood: 80% Happy, 20% Tired
Listening to: Mes aieux - Chanson a boire.
Liked: Signature working.
Disliked: Signature still being screwed up.
Today's message: "I don't want a country depending on the Saudi Royal Family" - John F. Kerry
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