Hello from the Linux World!
Today, Sunday September 5th, 2004, marks my official switch into the Open Source World.
After months of switching to Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, 7zip, Azureus, AbiWord and a host of other free and open alternatives to Microsoft products, Windows had nothign left for me, and I decided it was time to go inside the Linux Zone.
I was amazed by the simplicity of setup, and (lol) the well-designed x-sane scanner application. Everything seems to be runnign smoothyl (without Raid, since I found out the so-called "hardware" Intel raid is just a software driver hack for Windows XP). However, it runs just as fast, and perhaps even faster.
I am however experiencing a little dillema...the one of gaming. Granted, I dont' game much, but every now and then some killer game comes out. I know most run fine in Linux with WineX...but it's just not the same, especially since I play games the day they come out. And for all these games, I got really good hardware for them...so now it kind of feels useless since Linux doesn't need it that much. However, thinking about it from another point of view, it's not really that bad, since I was planning a major upgrade somewhere near my 19th birthday, with all the brand-new CPU/Chipset/RAM/GPU technologies that came out and will be mature by then. But then, if I only buy that computer for games, which I don't do much of, won't it be a waste? And if I start using it as a main machine, I'd drop Linux again.
So, thankfully, I've thought of this nice solution:
Until upgrade: Main P4 computer - Linux. Windows XP installed on a small partition on my second hard disk. Dual-boot whenever a new game comes out and I *have* to play it. No other apps except MSN for chatting during those days.
Backup P4 computer behind me - Windows Server. Main programming machine for SPAMfighter/other projects. Connection assured through Remote Desktop Connection Client.
After upgrade: New P4 Computer - Windows Gaming Machine. Takes place of current Backup Machine. Used extensively for gaming instead of dual-booting Linux Machine. Will also be the "Beta test" machine once Longhorn betas start.
Backup Machine - Becomes dedicatted developement platform.
Current P4 - Remains day-to-day Linux Machine.
Eventually, there will be further upgrades into the future (december 2005, early 2006) so that the backup server and current p4 will both become pentium 4 EEs, and their current CPUs will be sold.
Well my whole weekend has been busy with Linux, so thank god tomorrow there's no school.
|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.8 =- |
[M]o.o.d: 100% Happy
[L]i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. [T].o: Nothing yet :P
[L]i.k.e.d: LINUX!
[D]i.s.l.i.k.e.d: I can't extract my ghost backup image yet :S
[G]o.o.d [C].l.a.s.s: No Class
[B]a.d [C].l.a.s.s: No Class...
[M]: No. [T]: 0
[T]o.d.a.y's [M].e.s.s.a.g.e: "If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to."
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