An insight into the mind of one of the most fucked up people you have the chance to know. And a place for you to hear me rant or tell you cool things (you know you want to!)

Thursday, September 02, 2004

All about MaPo was a weird day.

First of all, I wake up 30 minutes to catch the bus for my 8:30 class...and I get kicked out for not having a new bus pass. This even though I showed the driver that I had 40$ on me, and that I would buy one at JAC (we have a store there).

If I were to buy a bus pass, I'd have to take the bus at 9, which would get me to school at 10. My class finishes at that was useless. I decided I would attend class at 11:30, when I have physics. However, instead of doing 11:30-1 = leave at 10:30, my head did 11:30+1 = leave at 12:30. So I told myself to take the nap..and by the time I woke up at 12...I realized that physics was no-go either. With school out of the question, and my mom begging me to go get her DVDs, I went on to Marianopolis (MaPo). What follows is a retelling of the sights.

As soon as I got off the bus stop, I called Kelly, who was in the same time calling me from her bus and waiving at me. She told me she'd be back in 15 minutes. I walked towards MaPo.

First person I saw, right in the doorway was Jia, talking about Christiannity with another Chinese girl. I waived and went on...when I was suddently attacked by Tina, the violin player. After a brief exchange, I pressed on.

I see Minzheng (dengdeng, the huge head from EIM), who is asking everyone "have you seen Carrie?". I think I probably misunderstood the name, and he is looking for Curry or something. In the same time, Kelly comes back, who also talks about Carrie with Minzheng. I still don't know who this person is. I walk with Kelly to Gavin's eating spot, where the ugly Kelly is also eating (the one that makes the EIM people barf). Gavin reports that Carrie is right behind, coming towards. I turn around to take a look, and lo and behold, 'tis Carrie Qin!

I am greeted by a big pamflet that's being distributed to everyone, "Marianopolis Chinese Club". I flip through the pages, and Carrie is the new president and ruler. That explains why every Chinese person is looking for her. While Kelly goes sell a 25$ used book for 40$, I intercept Ioana Antonescu, the EIM bol, and enter a nice discussion with her. After 10 minutes, Kewen finally comes and interrupts out of nowhere, and Ioana leaves. I give her the Math Book, and proceed to talk gossip with Kelly and Gavin.

Balblabla, they leave to class, I talk a bit with Kewen, then finally go to the student lounge, where Xiao, Lichen are talking. But first, I stop at Magazines Campus where I get a nice Wired Magazine subscription for only 40$/month, compared to the 85$ I currently pay by buying it at the depanneur. I join both their clubs (Origami and Bridge), and then Siwen comes. Suddently, Xiao and Lichen realize they have "to go eat somewhere" and leave, while Siwen is yelling after them "where are u guys going?". Siwen is thus left alone with me, which she seems to enjoy as much as a needle up her ass. She gives me a muffin. We fight. A guy comes to do her homework for her. I tell her to f*ck off, and leave, since Podaru (my main goal of the day) finally arrives...without my CDs.

I leave home, and return to my duties. MY MUSCLES REALLY HURT FROM SQUASH! I CAN BARELY WALK!
|-= Alex's Life Status v.0.8 =- |
[M]o.o.d: 100% Happy
[L]i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. [T].o: "Where's Carrie" - MaPo Remix.
[L]i.k.e.d: Seeing Ioana Antonescu...
[D]i.s.l.i.k.e.d: Not going to school, seeing some freaks.
[G]o.o.d [C].l.a.s.s: No Class...
[B]a.d [C].l.a.s.s: No Class...
[M]: No. [T]: 0
[T]o.d.a.y's [M].e.s.s.a.g.e: "Chinese people don't usually say things directly, but prefere a more round-about approach to communicating" - Booklet of MaPo Chinese Club


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