An insight into the mind of one of the most fucked up people you have the chance to know. And a place for you to hear me rant or tell you cool things (you know you want to!)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Sky Captain

|-= Alex's LifE Status v.0.9 =- |
[M]o.o.d: 100^100^100% Happy
[L]i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. [T].o: Super Tux Music
[S]t.u.p.i.d [T].h.i.n.g: Left something behind...
[S]m.a.r.t [T].h.i.n.g: Got cooperation from MS.
[L]i.k.e.d: Caro & The Movie
[D]i.s.l.i.k.e.d: 3 hours on my crappy phone.
[G]o.o.d [C].l.a.s.s: No class, did homework.
[B]a.d [C].l.a.s.s: No class, did homework.
[M]: No. [T]: 0
[T]o.d.a.y's [M].e.s.s.a.g.e: "The lenscap" - Sky Captain

Hello hello...

I'm back from the Premiere of Skycaptain and The World of Tomorrow... it kicked ass! I've never seen such good CGI/GFX in my was amazingly cool, and had a great plot too (Except for the airplanes going into the water without's all a matter of surface tension...OK I stole this from Timo, I don't really care about it :P)

Microsoft called today and I now have an Escalation Engeneer as a direct channel between me and the OE Team. I've emailed all of them and thanked them for their great work and I hope we will be able to find a solution together Monday or within the week.

Caroline also installed Linux today...the install was a bit problematic with the mouse and screen resolution, but it seems to be all right now. The initial setup is always a bit of a pain...I'm trying to get a remote connection working so I can do some of the more complicated tasks (like setting up symlinks/path etc).

I'm dead tired now do good night.


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