An insight into the mind of one of the most fucked up people you have the chance to know. And a place for you to hear me rant or tell you cool things (you know you want to!)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

BIg Day

|-= Alex's LifE Status v.0.9 =- |
[M]o.o.d: 100% Wasted
[L]i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. [T].o: Rammstein - Moskau
[S]t.u.p.i.d [T].h.i.n.g: None...
[S]m.a.r.t [T].h.i.n.g: Reactos Header Fix Implementation
[L]i.k.e.d: Getting all the work done.
[D]i.s.l.i.k.e.d: Walking all over the city to get it done.
[G]o.o.d [C].l.a.s.s: English, but was the only one.
[B]a.d [C].l.a.s.s: None.
[M]: Yes. [T]: 1
[T]o.d.a.y's [M].e.s.s.a.g.e: I have been out of the loop lately and reqire some thought before finding a new quote. Expect one tomorrow.
Wow, today was certaintly a huge day.

I went to school till 11:30 today, after which I went back downtown to do a lot of work. First of all I went home to take some documents, then I took the 36 bus which took me from my house directly to 800 Place Square Victoria where I needed to submit them. After which I used the undergroudn tunnels to get to Peel, but first I made a stop at Bonaventure where I talked a bit with Sarah and took some cofee whose whipped cream gave me diarrhea.

I continued on with my trek and got to Peel, where I first went to Simons to get a gift(s) for my girlfriend. Then I went to La Baie to get the second gift, and on the way found something good for my dad too. While walking towards HMV to buy some CDs for my mom as well, I saw Podaru with his new asian girlfriend. Heh, some people don't change.

At HMV, I got the CDs my mom had asked me for, and finished my shopping for the day. I was completely broke. I finally walked home where I drank some juice. I still hadn't eaten anything because I had lost my lunch. I stayed home and my mother came at 5 and made some food.

Everythign else after was a normal day, as far as I can remember.


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