One less week
|-= Alex's LifE Status v.0.9 =- |
[M]o.o.d: Quite fine!
[L]i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. [T].o: Eminem's new CD, and I have Angel stuck in my head?
[S]t.u.p.i.d [T].h.i.n.g: Nothing
[S]m.a.r.t [T].h.i.n.g: Finally getting a special haircut
[L]i.k.e.d: Seeing caroline buy her new coat today... I know she didn't want to go to downtown too much but it was good I had a chance to see her.
[D]i.s.l.i.k.e.d: Making her wait during my haircut
[G]o.o.d [C].l.a.s.s: None.
[B]a.d [C].l.a.s.s: None.
[M]: No [T]: 0
[T]o.d.a.y's [M].e.s.s.a.g.e: "All your base are belong to us"
Today I got a really special haircut.
I feel weird now after getting it, it's kinda...weird. Anyways, my hair is short now, with gel spikes, and blond highlights! It kind of looks like a fauxhawk but more spiky and with blond hilights... I don't think it's that bad...and it's original :P I think Caro likes it more !
I played a bit of pool today with Bob, before that I went with Caro to buy her new coat from Bleu Marine, which I think looks just wonderful on her!
In other news, I've received another blackmail/threat letter from my frustrated father. Remember when I didn't want him to read my blog because it hard personal info? Well now he doesn't want me to write HIS personal info in ironic...the tables have turned around. Since I believed in freedom of information, I opened my blog to everyone and stopped complaining about privacy of people reading it. So I guess he will have to learn with his privacy being open. He wanted the right to read into my life, well that means he needs to accept the right for everyone else to read into mine.
Some funny parts from his email: "I think you forget who was watching TV, I was sending out thousands of applications and practicing while you were mocking me". Actually, I was watching Power Rangers back then on TV, but we are speaking about the present. I don't remember me moking you, I remember training you to practice. But then again, you're getting old and short memories are the norm, it's not your fault.
"It's not my gf, it's my fiance, we are getting married soon, and her name is Cati" Congratulations!! Maybe this is private info again, oh well, I'm telling the world! The woman who my dad cheated with is not his GF anymore it's now his FIANCE and her name is CATI. Does anyone care??? Didn't think so!
"Even if I'm sick and tired, I've never heard anyone caring about me". Let us remind the audience that when my mother told him to lose weight he would end up yelling or beating her. Or that when I was worried that he doesn't have a job yet, he sends me blackmail. This reminds me of some evil madman killing everyone around him and complaning nobody cares. Hint in life: blackmailing or yelling at people who try to help you does not help you.
"Please don't tell people I don't have a visa anymore" Why not? It's always better to be a registered illegal alien then a non-registered one right? Oh, and if anyone from the INS is actually reading this, Hi! I'm glad to have an american government company reading my blog. What brings you here? Send me an email; oh, you can't deport him till 2007. "This isn't information that should be on the Internet"... ah..hearing this corporate slogan just made me feel to spill all the beans out...but I'm too tired. Nothing bugs me more then someone trying to halt my right to free speech. Having never signed a non-disclosure agreement, and what I'm saying not being lies or defamatory remarks, but only facts, there is nothing illegal in me saying my opinion, or telling facts. God, I really want to talk about the porn stash you used to have on your PC...I guess I'll leave that for another entry!
Oh and this is the best...a "Cease and Desist" message from my father. You know, the kinds that companies send to hacking websites in hopes of getting them to shutdown after revealing major bugs in their software. Usually these letters only create mass media attention and make the corporate company look dumb, and more people downloading the hacking information. In this case, I have been warned that if I do not modify or remove my previous entry, "all further communication with me will be interrupted". Wow, sounds almost as scary as a lawsuit. Anyways...I will delete/remove my entries over my dead body. Don't ever threaten me again??
Oh and to finalize... yes I will sleep more, as soon as school is over, there's only 2 weeks left. No, I won't miss school due to diarrhea anymore because it's over now. Oh oops, I guess I should send threatening emails to myself because I told the world I had diarrhea! Oh no! I'm going to go to jail.
In more intresting news then my father who has nothing better to do then try to threaten me, I saw National Treasure wednesday with timothy and it was really good! You should all go see it!