An insight into the mind of one of the most fucked up people you have the chance to know. And a place for you to hear me rant or tell you cool things (you know you want to!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Caroline's Essay

|-= Alex's LifE Status v.0.9 =- |
[M]o.o.d: 100% Sick
[L]i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. [T].o: Canon in D
[S]t.u.p.i.d [T].h.i.n.g: Forgetting to bring the essay.
[S]m.a.r.t [T].h.i.n.g: Using my skills to recover it.
[L]i.k.e.d: Seeing Caro with the cute scarf I bought her.
[D]i.s.l.i.k.e.d: Being sick.
[G]o.o.d [C].l.a.s.s: Organic Lab/English/Math
[B]a.d [C].l.a.s.s: None
[M]: No. [T]: 0
[T]o.d.a.y's [M].e.s.s.a.g.e: "If it won't open, crack it"
Today was a very exciting day...!!!

So I go to English Class where we watch a movie....then..I suddently remember...shit! Caroline's essay! I had printed it thsi time, but left it at home. So after the movie ends, I rush out to the library to log into my g-mail account, where I had sent a backup copy.

Surprise surprise, it was in OPENOFFICE format... I then proceed on trying to find an OpenOffice viewer, but it needed Java.... another 7MB (15 minutes) download later, the java installer is runs..then it says it needs admin privileges. Bummer.

I run upstairs to the computer room, where we have admin privileges... After 30 minutes after which Java installs...the application can't actualyl read the new 6.0 format. I then spent 15 minutes on google finding an onlien conversion software. I convert it to DOC, but then the server crashes and is unable to send me the converted

I then try my luck with abiword, another 5MB, plus the OO plugin pack, anoter 2MB. It installs, all the plugins load, except the one to load OO files, beause it only runs on Linux. WEEE!!!

At this point, my nerves are reaching their's been since 10AM that I'm trying to open this file, and it's now almost 11h15, and I'm 45 minutes late for class. I finally decide to open the file by hand. Being a computer hacker/programmer, I instantly notice the ZIP header. I open the file with winzip, and I now have 6 XML files, one of which is named content.XML. Joy for open source software! XML is human-readable. I open the file in Wordpad, strip out the formatting tags, and re-created them as Word tags.

I open the file in Word, and it's all there perfectly fine. I email it to myself, rush back down to the's now 11h30... some stupid girl is recopying on a piece of paper an entire 5 page poem...she's at page 2. I act like an asshole an d keep coughing behind her to make her realize theres a computer RIGHT NEXT TO HER that she can use (only this one has a printer). She finally gets the point, I print the essay out, and rush upstairs to the locker to see Caroline just about to leave... I give her the essay and go to class.

Because I had went to the Morning Friday class, the hour of math I missed was the one extra I had done Friday, so I didn't miss a single thing :)

Then I had the Organic Lab, where we made Aspirin. I had a 44% yield, the highest ever, and a purity of 2 melting point difference (around 98-99%).

I'm still very sick however.

I also added extreme debugging to SPAMfighter OE and it now perfectly works inder Windows 9x/Me.